SOGo CardDAV and the iPhone

Getting CardDAV and CalDAV working with the iPhone

As much as I like SOGo (and am enjoying my iPhone) I can’t seem to find decent information on setting up CardDAV or CalDAV to work with the iPhone. Most importantly, I had trouble finding the correct URL to use:

NOTE: This assumes that you are using SSL. If you are not, then try it without the “https” and set the port to 80.

Address/URL for iPhone CardDAV with SOGo: Manually set Port to 443

Address/URL for iPhone CalDAV with SOGo: Manually set Port to 443

Both address are the same, you may notice unlike using the SOGo connector with Thunderbird. I’ve found the iPhone will automatically search the correct address depending on if you selected CalDAV or CardDAV.

CardDAV/CalDAV connecting but no contacts or calendar items are syncing across?

I encountered a frustrating problem where the iPhone was reporting CardDAV as all good, and I could see the DAV commands hitting the server, but no matter what I tried I could not get any contacts to sync across. The solution turned out to be ensuring that WOUseRelativeURLsdoes not exist in the GNUstepDefaults file.

If you have the following in your GNUstepDefaults:

WOUseRelativeURLs NO

Ensure it is completely removed. Then restart SOGo, and CardDAV/CalDAV should work nicely.