Home-brew Email-to-SMS Gateway
I’ve built an Email to SMS gateway using a spare Arduino, a GSM shield and a $30 Optus pre-paid SIM card. [https://tribalchicken.net/content/images/2014/02/IMG_20140204_202203.jpg] It can do the following: * Convert Email to an SMS (Obviously) * Rudimentary access control using a list of allowed senders * Feedback if… leer más
GPS/GSM Tracker MK1
This is the GPS datalogging device I’ve been working on and finally installed in the car: [http://www.tribalchicken.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/photo-1.jpg] [http://www.tribalchicken.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/photo-2.jpg] This device periodically (Default every 30 seconds) collects geospatial data (Plus a few other things, currently… leer más